
Google on ranking updates: Focus on big picture, not individual signals

The key to your SEO success is publishing authentic content and thinking about ranking in terms of concepts, rather than individual signals. That’s according to Googlers Martin Splitt, John Mueller and Danny Sullivan in the latest Search Off the Record episode. The group discussed ranking updates and systems, content, the importance of user-centricity and more. […]

5 ways to improve PPC lead quality

Online leads are not all equal. The quality of those leads ultimately matters in driving meaningful business outcomes. Focusing on high-quality leads in your PPC campaigns increases your return on investment for your marketing dollars.  Additionally, improving lead quality allows salespeople to focus on more promising opportunities, streamline their sales process, and cultivate a loyal […]

The 5 degrees of link relevance

SEO is easy enough, in theory. The strategies are obvious if you’ve been around the block. What’s hard about SEO is the actual execution and implementation. The consistency. On a daily basis.  Nowhere is this more obvious than link building. This article will explain why. You’ll also learn how to use the “5 degrees of link relevance” […]

Google responds to PMax and brand safety concerns

Google has responded to safety concerns regarding its Performance Max product. The search engine came under fire after its platform YouTube was accused of improperly tracking children for targeted advertising purposes in a study conducted by Adalytics. Brands using its PMax product may have inadvertently violated the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) as a […]

Improving or removing content for SEO: How to do it the right way

Is low-quality content dragging down your website’s “reputation of knowledge“? It could be. Could older or outdated content be to blame? Maybe. But low-quality content isn’t defined as “the date it was published.” Nothing is that simple – there are many other factors at play. Google repeatedly emphasized this after CNET deleted thousands of old pages. […]



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